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It is our goal at PowerOptions to not only provide you with the most powerful suite of options tools for self-directed investors, but also to supply you with a virtual library of in-depth stock options education, including options trading webinars. These valuable stock market presentations and stock trading webinars will help you become a better investor and an expert at using the PowerOptions investment tools! Join us at your convenience to enhance your options knowledge, maximize your returns, limit your risks, and become acquainted with the most powerful options software on the market! --- Michael Chupka, Director of Education   Watch LIVE Webinars
Webinar Date Topic Description Format
11/7/2024 PowerOptions Signature Tools: Volatility Skew A look at the Volatility Skew Tool, for Strike and Time Skew for an individual stock. ...[read more] YouTube
11/7/2024 Recent Look at the Market Sentiment & VIX Trades as a Market Hedge In this presentation we take a look at the recent Market Sentiment from September 13th, prior to the...[read more] YouTube
11/7/2024 Signature Tools: The Long Option Finder At PowerOptions we offer a strong set of Signature Tools in addition to our Patented Search and Hist...[read more] YouTube
11/7/2024 Signature Tools: The Stock Repair Tool A lot of ups this year...and a lot of unexpected downs. Did you buy a stock at the wrong time only ...[read more] YouTube
11/7/2024 Signature Tools: The Stock Insurance Tool Let's talk about the current situation...You bought into the Newsy Stock, the Hot Stock just a littl...[read more] YouTube
11/7/2024 Signature Tools: Strike of Pain Tool (based on the Max Pain Calculation) PLUS...New Daily Options? In this video we take a look at the Strike of Pain Signature Tool, based on the Max Pain calculation...[read more] YouTube
9/5/2024 In Depth Stock Research Using PowerOptions Evaluating Criteria Using Stock Research Tools, Adjusting and Sorting Columns & More! Pat had sent u...[read more] YouTube
3/24/2024 Trade Alerts on PowerOptions 1. Trade Picks Pod - quick view for Weekly and Monthly Covered Calls, Naked Puts, Bull Put Credits ...[read more] YouTube
7/8/2023 Power of the PowerOptions Portfolio Tools In this presentation we look at using the PowerOptions Portfolio tools to track, set alerts, evaluat...[read more] YouTube
3/11/2023 Review of the Market Sentiment Tool and Current Indicators - March 10th, 2023 A quick look at the current Market Sentiment from Friday, March 10th, 2023 with discussion on: - Cu...[read more] YouTube
5/21/2022 3 Questions Regarding the Profit and Loss Chart for Options Trades Pablo: I need insight into the Red and Blue Line on the Profit and Loss Chart, and the Calculate Ex...[read more] YouTube
3/23/2022 Tools for Evaluating Long Options (Buying Calls or Puts) This under 10 minute video introduces the PowerOptions tools an investor would use for buying option...[read more] YouTube
3/5/2022 Functions of the Portfolio Tools on PowerOptions Adding a PositionAdding an Option Leg to an Existing Position (creating a Covered Call from a Long S...[read more] YouTube
2/20/2022 Recent Content, Updates to PowerOptions and Current Market Sentiment 1. Review of recent archived content and announcements for next week (0:00 to 2:35) 2. Portfolio e...[read more] YouTube
1/15/2022 PowerOptions Tools for Credit Spreads A review of the Search By Symbol tool, Spread Chain tool, Patented Search tool for Credit Spreads & ...[read more] YouTube
9/18/2021 Using the Picks of the Day and How Naked Puts Would Have Performed in a Down Market When each default view is updated and how to get more updated results using the Search tool, how Wee...[read more] YouTube
9/15/2021 A Better Way to Find A Spread or Iron Condor on High Priced Securities Have you ever used our Search By Symbol Tool for Spreads or Condors on TSLA? SPX? NDX? etc...But ...[read more] YouTube
7/24/2021 Why So Few Results in Bullish Strategies (Week of July 19th) In this video we address the 2 main reasons why results were low (Earnings Season and Moving Average...[read more] YouTube
6/17/2021 How Long Does it Take to Learn PowerOptions (Plus Subscription Services) Don had asked: 'How long does it take to be able to use PowerOptions for Optimal Benefit?' In the ...[read more] YouTube
4/13/2021 PowerOptions Top 5 Tools Mike Chupka, our Director of Education, gives his Top 5 PowerOptions tools live during a webinar. A...[read more] YouTube
6/12/2021 Using PowerOptions to Search and Analyze Sector Stocks A look at how we approach using the Search or other tools to match our sentiment on a given Sector o...[read more] YouTube
3/6/2021 Finding High Liquidity ETFs with High Implied Volatility Robert wanted to know how to best find options on liquid ETFs with high implied volatility. We use ...[read more] YouTube
9/22/2020 Features of the PowerOptions Historical (Back Test) Tools In this 13 minute video we take a look at the 3 features of the PowerOptions Historical Tools: The H...[read more] YouTube
8/24/2020 A Look at the Market Sentiment Tool (August 21, 2020) In this video we take a look at some of the 13 indicators that are used in the Market Sentiment tool...[read more] YouTube
6/4/2020 Tools for Rolling Covered Calls and Finding Covered Calls How can PowerOptions help me determine if I should roll the position, or allow myself to be called o...[read more] YouTube
4/27/2020 Strike of Pain 'Pinning' Tool, PowerOptions Criteria and More In this short video we take a look at the Strike of Pain tool on PowerOptions which helps investors ...[read more] YouTube
2/5/2020 First Look: New Option Detail Charts A look at the new Charts on the Option Detail / Option Research Tool, which no longer require Flash ...[read more] YouTube
2/5/2020 5 Minutes on the Stock Repair Tool Have a stock that is down? Here is a quick review of using the Stock Repair tool to get back to Bre...[read more] YouTube
2/5/2020 Recent Review of the Market Sentiment Tool A review of the Market Sentiment Tool, the 13 Indicators, and using the Historical Charts on each in...[read more] YouTube
9/30/2019 Chart Patterns and The PowerOptions Search Tool...Plus much more! What Patterns can the Search tool look for, and what settings are used. How are the PowerOptions se...[read more] YouTube
10/3/2018 PowerOptions Options Screener See what criteria are available in the Search tool, for stocks and options, how easy it is to create...[read more] YouTube
10/10/2018 Researching and Analyzing a New Options Position A look at our steps (and tools) when researching a new options trade or managing an existing positio...[read more] YouTube
10/17/2018 Portfolio Tools to Enhance Your Trading A review of the PowerOptions Portfolio Tools: Creating a Portfolio, Trade Entry, different views, a...[read more] YouTube
3/26/2018 Trade Recommendations (Or, What are the PriceWatch Alerts?) What are the PriceWatch Alerts / Morning Updates, how they are compiled, what you should do with the...[read more] YouTube
12/20/2017 Fight the Fear, Embrace the Greed in 2018 In this webinar we share the proper investing structure that can allow you to Fight the Fear and Emb...[read more] YouTube
7/19/2017 What is Behind the PowerOptions Search Criteria Why are certain criteria selected for the default searches and sample searches, the criteria we use ...[read more] YouTube
5/11/2017 Your One Stop Shop for Options Investing See how PowerOptions can solve all your investing needs with patented Search, Analysis, Charting, Tr...[read more] YouTube
11/9/2016 Searching for Covered Calls In this presentation we share how to find covered call positions using the patented Search tools on ...[read more] YouTube
9/28/2016 Signature Tools to Improve Your Trading 1. The Market Sentiment Tool - to help you gauge bullish, bearish or neutral market conditions. 2. S...[read more] YouTube
9/16/2015 Historical Suite of Tools - Backtesting Options Data See how the PowerOptions back testing tools can help you fine tune your search criteria. Tracking op...[read more] YouTube
Webinar Date Topic Description Format
1/5/2025 Low Maintenance Trading: Are There 'Fire & Forget' Trades to Earn 20-30% Per Year? (Part 1) We received an email prior to our first Open Discussion - Q&A Session for 2025. Stephen K. asked: ...[read more] Subscriber
12/3/2022 Rolling Part of a Covered Call for a Credit While keeping the other part open for short term income...An idea from YouTube comment: When having...[read more] Subscriber
7/23/2022 More 'What Strategies Are You Trading in this Market?' Following up our discussion from July 15th, we had a few other investors let us know what they are t...[read more] Subscriber
7/16/2022 What Strategies are Options Investors Trading in This Market? Chuck had commented that it might be a good idea to hear what other Options Investors are trading. W...[read more] Subscriber
5/21/2022 Best Set Up for a Married Put Position Jerry is looking to open a position on USO, but wants protection in the form of a Married Put trade....[read more] Subscriber
5/17/2022 Stock Selection Criteria for Naked (Cash Secured) Puts & Covered Calls John had asked 'How do you select Stocks for Naked (Cash Secured) Puts?- We look at Search Criteria,...[read more] YouTube
4/23/2022 Rolling a Deep In the Money Cash Secured Put David is concerned about a Cash Secured Put that is far out in time (LEAPs) and is now Deep In the M...[read more] YouTube
3/5/2022 Topics on Calendar Call - Poor Man's Covered Call - Diagonal Examine a Roll Out for a Poor Man's Covered Call on PowerOptions? (0:00 to 21:05)A look at the Calen...[read more] YouTube
1/15/2022 7 Ways to Manage a Bear Put Debit Spread A review of the preferred 7 Ways one might consider to adjust or manage a Bear Put Debit Spread...[read more] YouTube
11/20/2021 What Option Trades are Used in a Bearish Market? A review and brief comparison of Bearish Options StrategiesCovered Puts, Short Collars, Married Call...[read more] YouTube
11/6/2021 Review of Default Criteria (Naked Puts, Bull Puts and Others) and Research Review of Naked Put Weekly and Monthly Picks of the Day, preferred Bull Put Credit defaults and Marr...[read more] YouTube
10/30/2021 A Look at Collar Structures (Expectancy, Profit Potential and More) The Collar Structure, Expectancy of Profit, Different forms of Collar (default searches and why ther...[read more] YouTube
9/21/2021 ETFs and Optionable Stocks for Tracking Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency A brief review of the more popular ETFs and Standard stocks for trading options investment strategie...[read more] YouTube
9/18/2021 When to Roll or Let Expire an OTM Covered Call (and Best Time To Roll) General Rules of Thumb for Rolling, Best Time to Roll a Covered Call evaluating Time Decay from Thur...[read more] YouTube
9/15/2021 Criteria for Diagonal Spreads and Bull Put Credits 1. We introduce the general criteria for Diagonal Calendar Spreads (0-4:40)2. Discuss the importan...[read more] YouTube
9/15/2021 Is There a Proper Delta to Buy a Call? We take a look at the expectations of which Call options would give the most profit if a Stock moved...[read more] YouTube
9/12/2021 When to Stop Managing a Naked Put (When is Enough...Enough)? Setting Exits as part of a Trading Plan, potential or Whipsaw effect, quick interlude on Naked Calls...[read more] YouTube
8/28/2021 Rolling a Successful Bull Call Debit Spread Taking a look at a far out Bull Call Debit Spread that is near 50% profit: Is it best to roll just ...[read more] YouTube
8/28/2021 Covered Combinations: What is It? When to Use It? Pros and Cons... A quick look at the strategy, structure, when to use it and the Pros and Cons of this options tradin...[read more] YouTube
6/12/2021 A Look at ITM Bull Call Debits (Risks, P&L, Criteria) Structure, Profit and Loss Chart Analysis, Review of a Real World Trade, Stock and Spread Criteria!...[read more] YouTube
5/29/2021 Options Strategies for Steady Monthly Income 'What is the best income method to generate steady monthly income? I'm doing CSP and CC right now b...[read more] YouTube
5/8/2021 Covered Call: Take Assignment or Roll (and Strategies for 2-3 percent per month) A look at a Covered Call on CSCO: evaluating taking assignment, rolling and other ideas (10 mins)Can...[read more] YouTube
4/17/2021 8 Ways to Manage a Profitable Long Call 8 ways to manage a profitable bought call option: Rolling, Create a Calendar, Butterfly, Sell Half,...[read more] YouTube
4/11/2021 Bull Call Debit or Bull Put Credit? Evaluating the Pros and Cons of the Parity Vertical Bull Spreads, showcasing the Spread Chain tool f...[read more] YouTube
3/27/2021 Setting Up an In the Money Debit Spread (Structure, Criteria, Evaluating Parity). We break down the Debit Spread Structure (focusing on Bul...[read more] YouTube
3/6/2021 Pros and Cons of Buying Deep ITM LEAP Calls Butch wanted to know our thoughts on buying LEAP calls that are deep In The Money. We discuss the p...[read more] YouTube
2/27/2021 No Cost Collar (Inverse Collar) vs. Married Put Comparing the RadioActive Married Put against buying a short term ATM Put, and Selling a farther out...[read more] YouTube
2/7/2021 Rolling a Sold Put: Thoughts on Strike Selection when Rolling Down a Naked Put Creating a Naked Put - Cash Secured Put Search, a quick look at a single Back Test of those results,...[read more] YouTube
2/6/2021 Setting Up a Search For a Specific Criteria - Naked Puts 'How do I set up my search in Naked Puts that will only show me companies with a Minimum Profit of m...[read more] YouTube
2/6/2021 Delta Criteria for Credit Spreads, Iron Condors, ITM Covered Calls and Naked Calls We take a look at each situation using the patented PowerOptions Search Tools, describe why we use o...[read more] YouTube
1/23/2021 Closing a Credit Spread Early to Avoid Fear of After-Hours Move In this video we discuss the large losses investors took on Bull Put Spreads on NKLA and BIIB After ...[read more] YouTube
12/27/2020 Is Now the Right Time to Enter Covered Calls? Coming soon...[read more] YouTube
12/21/2020 The Risk-Rewards of Weekly Covered Calls Obligations and Annualized Returns of Weekly vs. Monthly, evaluating Roll Outs with the Portfolio To...[read more] YouTube
11/3/2020 Bull Call Debits with Wide Bid-Ask and Setting Up Bear Call Credits A look at what to expect when trading Bull Call Debits with Wide Bid-Ask Spreads and Setting up a Se...[read more] YouTube
10/31/2020 Trading UVXY or VIX for Portfolio Insurance In this video we spend about 30 minutes discussing how an investor might trade the Volatility ETF UV...[read more] YouTube
10/24/2020 Managing a Bought Put that is Going Against You Different ways to adjust a Purchased Put that is declining in value as the stock rises (Roll, conver...[read more] YouTube
9/15/2020 Selling Naked Puts to Own The Underlying and Criteria for Covered Calls Using ATM or just OTM put options to get into the stock, what is the Best Time to Sell a Covered Cal...[read more] YouTube
9/13/2020 Guidelines on Trading Diagonal Calendars (Poor Man's Covered Call) Could you please provide some guidelines as to how you trade calendars/diagonals? How far out in tim...[read more] YouTube
8/24/2020 Strategies for Earnings, Protecting Stock for Earnings and More! Direct Answers to: What is the Best Strategy for Earnings? What is the Best Way to Protect Stocks ...[read more] YouTube
8/5/2020 Criteria for Bull Put Spreads (Plus: Vega and Implied Volatility effect on options) A 12 minute discussion on the Weekly Bull Put Credit Spread default criteria and how to find only st...[read more] YouTube
6/4/2020 Collar or Married Put? Plus Protecting Synthetic Long, Bid Ask Spread and More! A look at when to use a Long Collar or Short Term Married Put, concepts on rolling the Collar or clo...[read more] YouTube
4/27/2020 Managing Naked Put Positions In this video we take a look at potential adjustments on a Naked Put / Cash Secured Put that is movi...[read more] YouTube
4/22/2020 Rolling Out a Long Put that is Now Out of the Money Plus, using IV on the Profit and Loss Chart. A look at Using the Long Option Finder to gauge which o...[read more] YouTube
2/10/2020 Concepts on Credit and Debit Spreads Can you use PO to hedge credit spreads, How can you protect the profits of a credit or debit spread,...[read more] YouTube
2/5/2020 Should I Close My Spread at 50% Profit? A look at the Management Idea of closing spreads when 50 percent of the expected profit is made. ...[read more] YouTube
12/10/2019 Good Candidates for Poor Mans Covered Call In this video we take on the stock and option criteria for finding a good 'Poor Man's Covered Call' ...[read more] YouTube
11/10/2019 4 Questions on Iron Condors 1. Do you attempt to select strikes that will result in approximately delta neutral for the iron con...[read more] YouTube
11/6/2019 Legging into an Iron Condor PLUS Parity Trades We look at why, or why wouldn't, one open an iron condor trade as 2 separate spreads, and compare th...[read more] YouTube
10/24/2019 A Historical Look at Performance of SPY Straddles (April to OCT 2019) Using the Historical Tools to see the performance of Straddles (Long Straddles) on SPY over a 6-mont...[read more] YouTube
9/30/2019 Bull Put Credit Management Idea We evaluate a customers potential roll out idea on a Bull Put spread that has become slightly ITM (b...[read more] YouTube
9/16/2019 Married Put Liquidity, Structure and Risk In this excerpt from an Open Discussion, we take Todd and Charlie's questions on: Open Interest and...[read more] YouTube
9/10/2019 Buying Out of the Money Calls and Exit Strategies Portion from an Open Discussion, we look at why investors would buy OTM calls with a low probability...[read more] YouTube
8/27/2019 To Leg in? or Not to Leg in...that is the Question the pros and cons of opening a Bull Call Debit or Calendar Spread right away vs. Legging into the s...[read more] YouTube
8/27/2019 Synthetic Collars, Credit Spreads vs. Debits and the Spread Chain We look at 3 Parity trades to the standard Collar (synthetic and vertical spreads) and compare the r...[read more] YouTube
7/30/2019 Iron Condor Triggers and Management In this excerpt from our Open Discussion sessions, we answer Duane's question of: ...[read more] YouTube
7/23/2019 Maximizing Returns on Iron Condors Plus Rolling Bull Put Spreads A look at the criteria and settings for Iron Condor trades, how the highest return might not be the ...[read more] YouTube
7/17/2019 Conservative Strategy Comparison Married Puts (RadioActive Setup) vs. Long Collars vs. Deep ITM Covered Calls...which is best, and be...[read more] YouTube
7/8/2019 Rolling Up a Covered Call When should you consider rolling up a covered call vs. just liquidating or waiting for assignment, P...[read more] YouTube
7/8/2019 Selling Weekly Calls on a Long Term Married Put (RadioActive Trade) We look at selling continuous weekly calls against a long term Married Put structure. Why it might ...[read more] YouTube
1/31/2019 Ratio Call Spreads, Butterflies and Beyond What is a Ratio Call Spread, How to Manage if it goes against you, Call Back Spreads, Butterfly trad...[read more] YouTube
1/24/2019 Credit Spreads - Beyond the Basics, Part 2 Answers to questions asked in Part 1, a look at how Bear Call Credits fared over 2018, discussions o...[read more] YouTube
1/21/2019 Credit Spreads - Beyond the Basics, Part 1 A look at expectations, structure, criteria, trading plans, position sizing and more to help you be ...[read more] YouTube
1/9/2019 Credit Spreads - The Basics The basics: Structure, effects of strike difference, spread and underlying criteria for Bull Put Cr...[read more] YouTube
9/19/2018 8 Ways to Manage a Bull Put Credit Spread Our preferred 8 ways to manage a Bull Put, Trigger Points to know when to consider managing, Pros an...[read more] YouTube
8/24/2017 Managing Your Spread Positions Our preferred 7 ways to manage credit or debit spreads, pros and cons of each, when to use them, wit...[read more] YouTube
8/23/2017 How to be Successful with Spread Trades We discuss Expectations, Structure, Criteria, and Historical Results for Bull and Bear Spreads. Thi...[read more] YouTube
8/22/2017 Debit Spreads vs. Credit Spreads Actions, Goals, Expectations, Risks and Structure of the 4 Vertical Spreads: Bull Put Credit, Bull ...[read more] YouTube
3/15/2017 Calendar Spread Criteria Underlying stock criteria for Diagonal and Horizontal Calendar Spreads, Criteria setup for the prope...[read more] YouTube
3/1/2017 Calendar Spread Basics Defining Horizontal vs. Diagonal spreads, proper structure, specific terms of the strategy, what to ...[read more] YouTube
12/16/2016 Managing Covered Call Positions Thoughts on Trigger Point, When to Roll your Covered Calls, How to Roll Your Covered Calls based on ...[read more] YouTube
10/14/2016 Straddles and Strangles for Earnings The difference between a long straddle and long strangle for earnings, comparisons of selecting expi...[read more] YouTube
7/30/2016 Managing Your Bear Call Credit Spread 7 ways to manage and adjust your Bear Call Credit Spreads that move against you. ...[read more] YouTube
8/5/2015 Selection Criteria for Long Options The ins and outs of buying a call option or buying a put option. In this presentation you will see ...[read more] YouTube
7/21/2015 Managing Your Long Options Positions Management techniques for long calls and long puts when the underlying security moves against you, m...[read more] YouTube
7/9/2015 PowerOptions for RadioActive Trades 1. Identify a RadioActive Married Put using the Search tool - 2. Make adjustments based on your pe...[read more] YouTube
1/28/2015 Introduction to Naked Puts Learn the Naked Put strategy (selling put options). This webinar covers:1. Why this strategy is used...[read more] YouTube
2/4/2015 Managing Your Naked Put Positions Management techniques and adjustments for Naked Put positions to help maximize gains or minimize los...[read more] YouTube
10/22/2014 What is a Vertical Spread? Basic setup, configuration and parity view of the 4 vertical spreads: Bull Put Credit, Bear Call Cr...[read more] YouTube
3/13/2015 Vertical Spreads: A Hands on Look Evaluating the Risk and Return of a Bull Put Credit Spread, Tradeoffs of higher probability vs. high...[read more] YouTube
10/8/2009 Protective Options Strategies (Part 1) An introduction to Collar spreads and Married Put positions, discussing the benefits and 'Gotchyas' ...[read more] YouTube
10/15/2009 Protective Options Strategies (Part 2) Learn management techniques, adjustments, and trading plans for your Collar and Married Put position...[read more] YouTube
11/9/2009 Parity Trades - Covered Call vs. Naked Put A discussion on the risk-reward profiles of Covered Calls and Naked Puts, and the parity aspect betw...[read more] YouTube
Webinar Date Topic Description Format
7/14/2024 Market Sentiment Concerns Heading into July 15th-19th In this presentation we take a look at the PowerOptions Market Sentiment Tool which is at a strong B...[read more] Subscriber
7/23/2023 Current Look at the Market Sentiment (July 21) & Hedge Discussion We take a brief moment to review the main Home view on PowerOptions for a new trial (0:00 to 1:10) ...[read more] Subscriber
3/11/2023 What Does Implied Volatility...Imply? 1. Implied Volatility Definition, Basic Intro to the Black-Schoes theoretical pricing model and how...[read more] Subscriber
9/3/2022 Strategies for 3% Monthly Profit? (Part 1 - Move With the Market) 'Based on your experience, is there a way for an option trader to get 3% monthly profit on the whole...[read more] Subscriber
7/2/2022 Strategy Ideas to Repair Sunken Stocks Marco has a few stocks that are down in price during the tumultuous first half of 2022. He wanted t...[read more] Subscriber
6/18/2022 A Look at the Market Sentiment Tool - June 17th, 2022 Sal asks: 'Assuming the standard RSI settings using the daily time frame, SPX RSI is about to go be...[read more] YouTube
6/11/2022 Review: Where Are We Now? - Almost Half-Way through the Trading Year After recent inflation data, concerns on supply chains, global issues and the global economy, it hel...[read more] YouTube
5/14/2022 Risks of Inaction with Options Trades Holding & Hoping with Deep ITM Naked Puts - Deep OTM Covered Calls and other positions. In the fi...[read more] YouTube
11/6/2021 Recent Look at Market Sentiment (Sell Warnings NOV. 5th, 2021) After 5-6 days of Sell Warnings on the Market Sentiment tool, with the market still edging up, we re...[read more] YouTube
9/25/2021 Expected Price Movement of an Option (And Tools to Analyze) Expectations for the price movement of an In the Money Sold Put to Expiration, The Tools on PowerOp...[read more] YouTube
9/21/2021 Market Reaction Sep. 20th, 2021 In this video we discuss our thoughts on the market moves from Monday, September 20th, concerns abou...[read more] YouTube
9/12/2021 Stock Repair: How to Manage or Exit the Repair We review the Stock Repair for a simulated position on AAPL, discuss how the Repair works, the outco...[read more] YouTube
5/29/2021 Should I Close My Covered Call or Spread at 50 Percent Profit? Why we don't close certain spreads at 50% Profit What spreads we would close at 50% Profit Foll...[read more] YouTube
4/28/2021 A Look at the Probability Calculation In this video we take a look at the Probability on PowerOptions, what criteria are used and why this...[read more] YouTube
4/13/2021 Current Look at the Market Sentiment Tool (April 9th, 2021) Frank asked us to review the Market Sentiment Tool and how we use this tool to help us adjust, insur...[read more] YouTube
2/20/2021 A Look at Undervalued Options The criteria and settings to find undervalued options, definitions of the criteria and when to use t...[read more] YouTube
2/7/2021 Market Sentiment Review and Current Status (Feb. 5th, 2021) Review the Market Sentiment tool and when it is updated, trade comments from one of our attendees, ...[read more] YouTube
2/6/2021 What Options Strategies Are Not Allowed In IRA Accounts We take a different approach to this question, and discuss what Strategies are allowed in IRA accoun...[read more] YouTube
1/13/2021 Does High Implied Volatility mean the Stock Is Going Up? Opposite for Low Volatility? In this video we discuss what high Volatility and Implied Volatility mean, take a look at the averag...[read more] YouTube
10/31/2020 A Look at the Stock Repair Ravi needed to see some ideas to repair a stock position that is down... In this 13 minute video we...[read more] YouTube
10/17/2020 Should I Not Do Trades Prior to the Election (and Other Thoughts) Ken poses a question that is likely on everyone's mind: 'Is next week a good candidate to not do any...[read more] YouTube
9/22/2020 Protecting Stock Gains with a Married Put or Collar (Plus Viewing Theta) In this segmentWe show how to use PowerOptions to find the best puts to protect your stock gains, an...[read more] YouTube
9/13/2020 Analyzing Hedges on Large Portfolio Exposure Discussion on hedging a large Portfolio with Married Puts, Collars, or Deep In the Money Covered Cal...[read more] YouTube
9/9/2020 Hedging Leveraged Positions in Your Portfolio (plus Technicals as Triggers and More!) In light of recent declines in the market, what technical indicators might be used as a trigger to e...[read more] YouTube
9/2/2020 Why is the Market Good When the Economy is So Bad? Fernando posed this question to us on August 28th. We give our thoughts, our attendees give their t...[read more] YouTube
4/22/2020 How to Hedge Your Portfolio with Broad Market Put Options A look at hedging a bullish or stock portfolio with ETF or Index Options, calculations to cover loss...[read more] YouTube
3/31/2020 Using Stock Bankruptcy Indicators In this short video we discuss Bankruptcy Indicators for stocks from Ed Altman. We review some quot...[read more] YouTube
2/17/2020 Is Now the Right Time to Buy VIX Calls? - Why we use VIX Calls as a market hedge. - Is now the Right time to buy VIX Calls? - What structure...[read more] YouTube
12/10/2019 Is it Good to Sell a Covered Call with a Low Implied Volatility? 'When you sell a call on a stock that is growing usually the IV is low. So it is convenient to sell ...[read more] YouTube
11/6/2019 Do 85 percent of Options Traders Lose Money? We certainly don't think so! In this video we debunk 3 options trading myths: Do 85% of options tra...[read more] YouTube
10/31/2019 Early Assignment on a Credit Spread What can happen to the position and potential penalties if you are assigned early on a credit spread...[read more] YouTube
10/13/2019 One Day Spreads: Better to Open Thursday or Wednesday? A look at trading 1 -day vertical credit spreads. What criteria might we consider, what success rat...[read more] YouTube
7/8/2019 Million Dollar Question for Options Investors We take a look at the question: Can I control risk and make my target return, phrased as: I want t...[read more] YouTube
2/12/2018 Current State of the Market...and what to do now. In this video we take a look at the current state of the market, reasons for the recent volatility a...[read more] YouTube
5/11/2016 Weekly Options - Basics and Preferred Strategies Brief History of the Weekly Options, Preferred Strategies for using Weekly Options, Identifying Week...[read more] YouTube
1/20/2016 Manage Your Broken Position! Alternative methods for managing: 1. A stock position that has fallen in price 2. A covered call ...[read more] YouTube
5/20/2015 Options Exercise vs. Assignment The basics of option investing Assignment and Exercise, and answers to questions such as: 1. What i...[read more] YouTube
9/29/2014 Implied Volatility The Double Edged Sword Many options investors hear things such as 'You can't trade without knowing Implied Volatility' and ...[read more] YouTube
9/17/2014 Greeks - and Why You May Not Need Them 'The Greek Terminology' has likely been thrown at you a thousand times since you began trading optio...[read more] YouTube
8/31/2011 Stock or Portfolio Insurance The Age Old Question: How do I protect my Portfolio? Do I buy puts on an index or ETF? Do I insur...[read more] YouTube
12/15/2010 Waiting to Roll - (12/15/2010) Learn option rolling strategies, when and why you should roll your options and when it may be best j...[read more] YouTube
12/9/2010 Special Stock Dividends At times, a company will announce a special stock dividend. This video shows how you can best play ...[read more] YouTube
Webinar Date Topic Description Format
2/14/2025 Full Open Forum, Q&A for Friday February 14th, 2025 Here is the content from today's presentation: 1. A brief walk through of the PowerOptions tab nav...[read more] Subscriber
2/7/2025 Full Open Forum, Q&A for FEB 7th, 2025! 1. Mike C: ...[read more] Subscriber
1/24/2025 Full Open Forum, Q&A Session for Friday, JAN 24th 2025! Here is the content from our presentation on Friday, JAN 24th: 1. Re-visit to the Hat Trick for Lo...[read more] Subscriber
1/17/2025 Full, First Standard Options Expiration of 2025 Open Forum - Q&A Here is the full, unedited content from our webinar on Friday, January 17th, 2025: 1. Question via...[read more] Subscriber
1/10/2025 Full Open Forum, Q&A Session from JAN 10th, 2025! Here is the full content from our 2nd Open Forum in 2025! 1. Reminder of the extended EOY Promotio...[read more] Subscriber
1/3/2025 Full FIRST Open Forum - Q&A for 2025! Here is the content from today's presentation! First, brief review of the Extension of the End of Ye...[read more] YouTube
12/20/2024 Full Open Forum - Q&A from December 20th, 2024: A Tale of Two Stocks (Parts 1- 7) First, a brief recap of our Special End Of Year Bonus Offer for The Blueprint, the Full Course on co...[read more] YouTube
12/6/2024 Full Open Forum - Q&A for December 6th, 2024! Just a few weeks left until the start of 2025! Here is the content from today's Live Open Forum - Q...[read more] YouTube
11/22/2024 Full Open Forum-Q&A for November 22nd, 2024 Questions via Webinar Survey: Bill from last weeks webinar: ...[read more] YouTube


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