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Setting up your own personal lists and settings...
Hopefully, by now, you have been able to navigate through our site and you have searched for useful information on options investing and strategies with our SmartSearchXL stock research tool. Hopefully by now you have discovered just what an amazing research tool you have here at your disposal. The SmartSearchXL tools for researching stocks allow our subscribers to search for profitable options investments by focusing on such criteria as option bid price, stock price, option volume, % return difference, % if assigned, % if not assigned, % probability assigned, Black-Scholes ratio, historical and implied volatility, average broker recommendation, beta, delta, and a partridge in a pear tree as well as many others.

Saved parameter settings...
The PowerOptions site comes with saved parameter settings for In the money and Out of the Money values, and it also has several programmed stock lists such as S&P's, Dow 30's, IBD 100, Value Line's, Optionable Indexes and many more. These are just some examples that we have set up for you so you can see the value of the site. But please, don't feel as if that is all that can be done. Just as every investor has his or her own set of defining fingerprints, every investor also has a unique pattern for researching stocks and investing in options.

Save your own personal parameter settings...
So, how can the SmartSearchXL stock research tool help you as an individual investor? Did you know that you could set your own parameters that best fit your investing strategies and save them on your account? Did you know that you could create your own lists of stocks for the SmartSearchXL Tools to scan through? Well, if you did not know this, or if you have done it before but now have forgotten how to do it, here is a step by step guide explaining the steps to create your own parameter settings and to create your own searchable lists...

Steps to set up and save your own Personal Settings
Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchIf you have not done so yet, go to:

Stock Investing ResearchEnter your User ID and password then click the [Log On] button. The My Home page will appear.

Stock Investing ResearchSelect the tab, Covered Call, Naked Put, etc., for whichever strategy you are interested in researching.
Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchYou should then see a page specific to the strategy selected.

Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchTo get started setting up your own personal search parameters, select
"Search" from the sub-tab menu.

Stock Investing ResearchBelow the search results table, you should see the
parameters/filter table where you can set the ranges
for different criteria. And, if you scroll down to the very
bottom of the page there will be two blue buttons:
[Submit these Settings] and [Clear these Settings].
Click the [Clear these Settings] button.

Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchWhen you have done this, the number values in the parameter fields should empty. If they did not, try clicking the button

Stock Investing ResearchNow that your parameter fields are clear you can enter the values of the individual parameters that you want the system to
search for.

Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchRULES OF THUMB: Do not fill in every field in the parameter boxes. If you fill in every field and click [Submit] there will most
likely be no options found that match all of those criteria. One way to use the tool is to write down a list of the parameters
most important to you. Enter these one at a time and click [Submit] after you enter each new parameter. This will start you
off with a lot of results at first, but step-by-step you can limit those results down to two or three pages. You do not need to
put "0" into any field. Greater than "0" values make sense for things like the option volume and open interest, but you do
not need to enter a value of greater than 0 and less than 2.1 Broker Recommendation. Just enter a value of 2.1 in the less
than box. Do not enter greater than or less than signs in the field boxes.

Stock Investing ResearchOnce you have set all the parameters to your specific
search criteria, go to the top of the parameter field
section and you will see a long text box.
To the left of the text box it should say "Search Settings Saved As" and to the right of the box there should a blue [Save]
button. When your parameters are set, click the [Save] button.

Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchAn input box will now appear below the [Save] button
asking you to name your settings. You can name it
anything you want: "My Settings", or "Open Stock
Price", or "High Volume Search", etc.

Stock Investing ResearchYou may also want to enter a description for your settings. This is just a simple blurb describing your parameters so you can
remember why you did that search or what that search should return. The description is optional.

Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchAfter you've entered the Search Name and the Search Description, select the [Save This Search] link and the SmartSearchXL
Tool will search the database using those settings. Your new settings selection will be saved in the settings drop down box
and can be selected anytime you logon to your account. You can create numerous different settings of differing parameters.

You have now created your own set of settings that match your investing techniques. You can use these settings at any time to search against the recommended lists that have been programmed into the site for you. But what if you want to use your new settings to search against particular stocks or options that you are interested in? Here is how to create your own list(s)...

Steps to set up and save your own Personal Lists
Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchIf you have not done so yet, go to:

Stock Investing ResearchEnter your User ID and password then click the
[Log On] button. The My Home page will appear.

Stock Investing Research Select the tab, Covered Call, Naked Put, etc., for whichever strategy you are interested in researching.

Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchYou should then see a page specific to the strategy

Stock Research Tool - Stock Market ResearchTo get started setting up your own personal search
parameters, select "Search" from the sub-tab menu.

Stock Investing ResearchBelow the search results table, you should see the
parameters/filter table where you can set the ranges
for different criteria. And, if you scroll down to the very
bottom of the page there will be two blue buttons:
[Submit these Settings] and [Clear these Settings].

Stock Investing ResearchJust above the [Submit These Settings] button is a pull-down box. The blue text above the pull-down box will read:
"Recommended Lists (Create/Modify Lists)".

Stock Investing ResearchClick your mouse DIRECTLY on the letters "(Create/Modify Lists)", not on the drop down arrow next to the box, but actually
on the blue letters. A new page will appear giving you the option of editing a list, if you already have a list, and/or creating
a new list.

Stock Investing ResearchTo create a new list, you want to click the [New] button and to edit a list you want to click the [Edit] button. Select the [New]

Stock Investing ResearchYou will now see a prompt that requests you to enter
a name for a list, enter a comment and enter or paste
stock symbols for the list.

Stock Investing ResearchOnce you enter in your desired list name and description
go to the empty space under the heading "paste new
symbols here". Enter in your stock symbols separating
them by using a comma with no space or just a space
between them. Once you have entered in your stock
symbols click the [Save] button below the box. Your
new stock list is now saved.

Stock Investing ResearchAfter you return to the SmartSearchXL stock research tool, select your settings from the settings drop down box. Then select your named list
from the "Recommended lists (Create/Modify list)" drop down box. You should see your list in the menu along with the
PowerOptions pre-set stock lists.

Stock Investing ResearchOnce your settings and your list are selected in their respective drop down boxes, click the [Submit these Settings] button at the
bottom of the screen. SmartSearchXL will now search the entire universe of stock/option combinations for results that meet both
your saved criteria and are on the stock symbol list that you created.


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Stock Research Tool - Stock Market Research - SmartSearchXL