Power Financial Group Inc.'s Terms of Use and Conditions of Sale
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Accordingly, a user should continue to review these Terms whenever accessing or using the Power Financial Group Inc. websites. A user's access or use of our websites after the posting of modifications to these Terms will constitute such user's acceptance of the Terms, as modified. If a user refuses to accept the Terms, such user may not use any of the websites.
Please also read the Privacy Statement, Copyright Statement, Risk Statement and Disclaimer of Liability which are incorporated herein by reference.
Subscriptions to PowerOptions are paid monthly, semi-annually, or annually in advance for the following term's usage.
Your credit card will be automatically billed each term to renew the subscription unless you notify us of your intent to cancel.
The subscription can be canceled at any time effective the next term of service.
Partial term subscription refunds will not be made.
Subscriptions to PowerOptions allow you nearly unlimited individual access to the site tools, data, and email services we offer. You are paying for access to the site and email services, whether you take advantage of these services or not. They are provided when you pay for them, it is your responsibility to use them.
Subscribing for a monthly, 6 month, or 1 year term is a commitment on your part to accept use of the site for that length of time. If you decide to cancel before the end of the paid term, your payment for remaining time will not be refunded, you will however continue to have access to the site until your paid time is used. If you are unsure that you can commit for semi-annual or annual length of time, please try a monthly subscription.
There are times when the Internet slows up because of traffic and/or other hardware and software problems. At other times our Internet provider may be down because of system failure or maintenance. Interruptions of this nature will be minimized, but short periods in loss of service will invariably happen. No refunds will be made for lost service during these times.
Each person using this site is limited to 1 (one) free trial period per year at most. PowerOptions reserves the right to cancel any account and deny service to any user that exhibits suspicious signups for multiple trial accounts with no refund for paid time possible.
Any promotional subscription rates or subscription terms that may become available are only valid for new/first-time subscribers to the PowerOptions service unless otherwise stated in the qualifications neccessary to participate.
Subscriptions to PowerOptions are for your individual explicit use. The credentials you use to access your account are not to be shared or distributed so that other users can logon as you without paying for their own account. PowerOptions reserves the right to cancel any account and deny service to any user that exhibits suspicious sharing related activity with no refund for paid time possible.
Downloading any data from this site for any purpose is strictly prohibited. The use of auto-extraction programs (scrapers) or any other software to automate data download from our web sites is strictly prohibited. PowerOptions reserves the right to cancel any account and deny service to any user that exhibits suspicious usage patterns consistent with scraping and/or downloading our market data and/or proprietary data with no refund for paid time possible. If you need special access to our tools/data and would like to process your own calculations, we have an API and would be willing to consider individual usage contracts that are outside the scope of these terms.
Using the site in any way that causes service to other customers to be degraded or denied is prohibited. Each user is limited to thirty thousand (30,000) quote accesses in any 30 day span of service.
Cancellation Policy
You can unsubscribe/cancel from the PowerOptions service by sending us email or calling the office at 302-992-7971.
An email verification of cancellation will be sent to you.
Email is NOT 100% reliable. If you don't receive a confirmatory email of your cancellation, assume that you are not cancelled and call us for confirmation.
To avoid being billed for a service you don't want, be sure you give us notice of your intent to cancel before your next billing occurs.
In providing this data and tools to subscribers & trial users, PowerOptions is not recommending for purchase any stock or option. The information provided is believed to be accurate, however, we make no claims or guarantees to its accuracy and do not check or verify the data. The user should verify the quotes, calculations, data and the appropriateness of the investment before a purchase is made.
Special care must be taken with regard to non-standard terms for option contracts. The standard relationship is 100 shares of the underlying stock for each option contract. But this relationship can change due to mergers, spinoffs, or splits. We do our best to remove these non-standard options from our data, users are responsible for making sure any option contract they trade has standard terms or terms that they are willing to agree to.
In submitting this subscription request you are agreeing to the above conditions and authorizing payment from your credit card. Take notice that willful acts of infringement are subject to Title 17 U.S.C. Section 411(b) and other Federal Law which subject convicted infringers to a fine of up to $2,500 for a single act of copying or other unauthorized use.